Monday, July 16, 2007


Hey all,

I know it has been a long time since the Groom here has posted on the blog so here I go. We just want to say thanks again to all of the people who planned and organized our Suprise Shower.

We were totally suprised you all did a great job fooling us into thinking we were just going out to Dallas Center for Taco's and Game Night good job guys! The Fiesta theme was awesome me and Christi both enjoyed that a lot. The Sombraro's were a nice touch and the vail Sombraro was cute.

I also want to say a shout out to all the people who came a great distance to par take in the festivities. Bryan, Greg, and Jed did a great job MC ing the Almost Married Game.. Caleb we can't wait to see the DVD of all the footage you shot for this.

Thanks to Christi's folks for taking care of all the gifts for us at the party, and for letting us store things with you guys till we find a house.

Muchas Gracias to Everyone. September 29th here we come! Much love to all.

Groom and Bride to be,

Josh & Christi

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ok folks! I realize this Blog is long. However; I found this article by chance and got a good laugh and wanted to share it with all of you. I hope you all have a good laugh as well. Let me know what you think.

Run Away, Groom!Prudie's advice for how to tame the bride from hell.
By Emily Yoffe
Posted Monday, June 11, 2007, at 7:11 AM ET

When did getting married become an exercise in acquired situational narcissism? This is a recently named psychiatric disorder, generally striking celebrities, characterized by grandiosity, lack of empathy, and rage. Based on the wedding-related mail I receive for the "Dear Prudence" column, an engagement appears to be another trigger for this adult-onset malady. Before entering into holy matrimony, brides seem to think it's acceptable to spend months—sometimes years—giving holy hell to everyone. Abused bridesmaids, perplexed grooms, and appalled parents complain endlessly about the personality changes that otherwise lovely young women undergo when they start arranging "my day."
Is there anything more revealing than the phrase—uttered with a stamping of the foot and a rising of the voice—"my day"? Of course it's not "our day," because the groom is merely an accessory, like a cake topper. The first time a bride-to-be utters the words "my day," I recommend potential bridesmaids and grooms respond, "Mayday."
The "my day" syndrome has become so extreme that some brides seem inspired by dictators who declare holidays in honor of themselves. Take this bride, who after more than a year of planning her wedding—still months away—was told one of her bridesmaids and the best-man-to-be were getting married, too. Outraged that her friends had chosen a wedding date three weeks before hers, she wrote, "I am not one of those brides who think that I 'own' the whole summer—but three weeks before? And their wedding is going to be bigger, fancier, and include roughly half of the same guest list." When she's ready for children, will this bride instruct her friends to stay on the Pill, lest they give birth to a baby—bigger and prettier—weeks before she does?

Weddings were once the place for loved ones to witness the union of the bride and groom. All guests—be they halt, lame, blind, or colorblind—were welcome. But now some brides see themselves as auteurs and their guests merely extras on the production set. How else to explain the letter I received from a groom-to-be who signed himself "Under Moral Siege." His dear female friend, who wears thick glasses, had been selected as a bridesmaid. But the bride insisted this bridesmaid leave her glasses at home because "glasses are an inappropriate accessory for women's formalwear, and the bridal magazines have convinced her that there can be no exceptions to the no-glasses rule." It makes me hope that as the groom tries to explain this to his friend, he'll find himself looking deep into her Coke-bottle lenses, suddenly declare, "Why, Miss Keeler, you're beautiful!" and run away with her.
Then there's this woman who received these instructions in a wedding invitation: "The bride respectfully asks all guests to please dress in either dark blue, forest green, or black … so no guest will stand out against the tablescapes." The letter writer explained she had no dress in those colors, nor the money to purchase one. I say let your cerulean gown provide a memorable accent. After all, while I have seen people leave formal events with the centerpieces, I have never been to an event in which the guests were the centerpieces.
Someone else's wedding rarely encompassed more than one or two entries on your calendar. Today's wedding has more acts than "The Ring Cycle." One guest wondered whether she needs to attend all six (yes, six) of her friend's showers and bring a gift to each (answer: No!). And the "honor" of being a bridesmaid is akin to signing enlistment papers. The bride's equivalent of, "Drop and give me 40, maggot!" is to whine, "You aren't there for me" [see also: my day]. One recruit, I mean bridesmaid, who has been through two years of planning for her friend's wedding says, "We have already thrown her an elaborate shower and I think she's anticipating an equally festive bachelorette party, and enthusiastic attendance at at least three other wedding functions besides the actual ceremony and reception." But what truly signaled that things had spiraled out of control was the bride's asking "why I was still breast-feeding my 8-month-old, if it was going to be a problem to leave her for 12 hours on the wedding day." In other words, "Stop breast-feeding, maggot!"
In A Short History of Rudeness, author Mark Caldwell describes how a proper wedding, as detailed in etiquette books at the end of the 19th century, was "a simple, practical, and dignified rite, veering into impropriety as soon as it became too obsessed with getting the details 'right' or slathering on a too-thick layer of pageantry." One manual looked dubiously at wedding gifts—the ritual "has now degenerated into a very bold display of wealth and ostentatious generosity, so that friends of moderate means are afraid to send anything."

Fortunately, modern couples can put friends of moderate means on a payment plan. Couples now ask for wedding "gifts," via PayPal, for their honeymoon, house down payment, and student-loan funds. One letter writer said the couple specified they were looking for $30,000, preferably paid in increments of $50 or more. Perhaps for guests who are short on cash, they can offer services for, say, installing drywall in the new house or scrubbing the toilets for a month.
Unfortunately, a bride's acquired situational narcissism doesn't necessarily recede after "my day." One bewildered husband of two years says, "Some of our friends did not give us wedding presents. My wife believes it has affected her relationships with them, and also thinks that maybe they are feeling guilty about it, as well. I suggested she e-mail them and say she is finishing up her 'thank you' notes and wasn't sure if we got a present from them. Or perhaps something more direct is in order? Or maybe she can just forget the whole thing?"
Oh, how this man is struggling. He wants to be sensitive and supportive. He hasn't read the bridal magazines, so he's thinking maybe, just maybe, it's acceptable to send dunning letters, like a debt-collection agency, to your friends asking where their gifts are. But he also suspects the right answer is "forget the whole thing." To him I say that being a good husband (or a good wife) means telling your spouse when she (or he) starts sounding like a nut job. That becomes harder to do when you realize you are married to someone who resembles Miss Havisham, condemned to forever be psychologically trapped reliving "my day."

Bride to be

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I realize it's been a while since we have posted anything. Since it's only four months until the big day right now things seem to be at a stand still. I thought this would be a good time to thank my brides Maids, Maid of Honor and Personal Attendent for being so patient with me.

I may be quite but I learned during this time I have been a major control freak. This was made aware to me when the Bridal Shop called me Bridezilla. I didn't think I was that bad. I guess it's true what they say it's all ways the shy one's that are the worst.

All of you have been so wonderful and understanding. I really appreciate the patience you have had with me. I have changed my mind so many times during the wedding planning and the melt downs have been out of control! I am so surprized all of you are still sticking around to celebrate our wedding day. I hope all of you haven't been to disappointed.

Before I close below are the wonderful people who have been so patient with me.

Alla....Maid of Honor
Holly...Brides Maid
Caryn...Brides Maid
Amanda...Brides Maid
Cara...Personal Attendent

Thank You for sticking around!

Bride To Be

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Aruba,Jamaica, Off The Florida Keys!

Hi Gang,

This is Josh here and I just want to give you all a update on what we are planning for our Honeymoon trip!

Me and Christi are heading to the Sunshine State that is right Florida. Now Christi has been there many a time however this Midwestern Guy has never been. After the Wedding the day after we head to the train depot and begin our trip to Florida! Now the train thing was my idea I have always loved riding trains and this will be her first train trip.

We get to Florida and spend two nights and three days in Orlando. I can't wait to go to Disney World and Universal Studios. We have our hotel booked in Orlando not bad price for two nights some of those resorts down there are very pricey. After we have our fun in Orlando we head to Ft Meyer to see her Brother Jon. We will spend almost a week there and plan to head to the very beautiful Florida Keys.

You can drive to the keys however that takes to long so we are going to the keys on a boat. I have never been out on the ocean so it will be a new experience for me. I hope I don't get sea sick if the water is rough.

Well that is just a little taste of what we are doing for our Honeymoon. Look for pictures of our Honeymoon adventures to come when we return home in October!

Take care you all,

Bride to be

Josh & Christi

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Special Note from the Bride to be..

I just wanted everyone who read my last posting know this is my way of venting my intenstons were not to get anyone upset or annoyed by my stressful moments. I can't wait to see what everyone picks out. Plan on seeing me having alot of melt downs and seeing me stressed out.

I know all of you are wonderful caring people and you will be there for me and Josh. I am looking forward to more wedding planning no matter how stressful it may become.

Thanks Again for your understanding and Patience

Bride To Be

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lesson 101

When planning a wedding set up a time to meet with the wedding party. It 's your day don't let anyone tell you any different. Controlling your day is not a bad thing. See what they all look like in different tops or dresses and tell them what you want. Don't ever tell them you want to be surprised. This will stress you out and cause you to have a melt down. You don't want to look back and regret those blasted words "SURPRISE ME". Once someone puts a deposite down on a dress there is no turning back. You just do alot of praying and have alot of faith that they all choose for the best. All I can do now is take a deep breath and say thank goodness for a personal attendent.

Bride to Be

Thursday, March 15, 2007


The time has finally come. Picking out the bridal party dresses. When going to the bridal shop and picking out dresses I was clueless to what I was looking for or what I might like. Once I tried on all the tops. I ended up picked five or six tops. Believe me this was no easy task. Knowing each member of my wedding party has a different body type and wanting them to have the freedom to choose isn't as easy as I had thought. The Maid of Honor got to choose between two colors and the variety of tops I choose for her. Now comes the Brides Maids. They will get to choose from only the tops I choose for them. Not realizing that they might feel as worried about making a wrong choice as I was when I was trying to find my wedding gown. They want everything to be perfect for me on my big day as much as I do.
So here is what I came up with.
TOP SECRET BRIDAL PARTY: Here is what I want you to do. I want you to surprise me with what you choose as much as I want to surprise you with the wedding gown I picked for my big day. All of you know what color dress you are need to have. Feel free to look at the style top the Maid of Honor choose. Think about what looks great on you and what might look good with what the others have choosen. I plan on calling the Bridal Shop tomorrow to let them know the situation and letting them know about TOP SECRET BRIDAL PARTY PLAN. I will also call my mom to let her know the plan and so the only people who know about what you choose are my mom and the people at the wedding shop. From there we will make it work. I want all of you to have as much fun as I am planning the wedding. I WILL LOVE WHAT EVER YOU CHOOSE.
If any of you have any concerns about this plan feel free to let me know.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

DJ Booked

Hi to all our blog friends again. Me and Christi are back to post a new blog spot.

We have booked our DJ! Now this has been a pretty long process it has taken a lot of research and calls to find the right guy for our Wedding. This guy is out of Grimes he is called Music To Go and he came highly recomended from my step sister Amanda.

The process began last September when we went to a bridal show and I stumbled apon a dj booth. Now I was excited to see something I could really get involved in these bridal shows are not really my thing to begin with. So I rushed over to this booth to see what options awaited us in the music realm.

This isn't the 1980's and we aren't having Adam Sadler do our wedding oh yeah no Wedding Singers. When I looked at the prices at some of these Music Booths my mind went ouch. I mean the prices on these were $800.00 and up. I must say our guy is much more reasonable. He didn't require a deposit and he charges only for the dance time. He doesn't charge for the dinner music he plays either which is a added bonus. We met with him last Tuesday and got things rolling. His name is Tim and he seemed pretty cool he likes to play music that involves everyone and we both liked that.

All in all things are going smoothly with the Wedding Planning. We need to start tasting cakes and choosing dinner menus. Oh yes let the fun begin of trying lots of food.

Till later friends...

Groom & Bride to be,

Josh & Christi

Saturday, February 3, 2007


I've all ways known who was going to be my Maid of Honor if I ever met Mr. Right. Picking my brides Maides is another story. That was a tough one for me. Since I really don't know that many people. Thank goodness when the time came where I met the right guy it wasn't that hard at all.

I have to admit though I did stress out a little though. I didn't want Josh or I to leave any one out. We desided at the beginning who we really wanted to be apart of our day. Since my brother Jon was coming home in October we desided to wait until then to ask everyone. When October came it was time to get the OPERATION WEDDING PARTY started. I wanted it to be memoriable and personal. A phone call wasn't what I wanted to do. I came up with the idea of filling little white boxes with M&M's with a a note saying " I am getting married on September 29, 2007 it would be an honor if you would be my Maid of Honor. The same was asked of the brides maids. Josh did shot glasses with M&M's with the same notes placed in silver bags asking his Best Man and grooms men to be apart of his special day.

The first two members of the wedding party we asked were the Best Man and Maid of honor. I took the box and silver bag to the Hy-vee Florist. There I had them tie a balloon to the box and bag to be delivered. Now the waiting game begins. I heard from My long time friend Alla first. She said yes. Alla and I have been friends since elementary school. She is like the sister I never had. Alla had faith in me when at times I didn't have faith in myself.

The next person Josh and I heard from is Damfino. That was quite a wait. Josh and I ended up driving to his now soon to be wife's house to scoop out her joint to see if he got his shot glass. Josh quitly walked up to the drive way to see if he could see the ballon that was tied up to his silver bag. It was still there. We had to come up with a plan B. Josh wanted to just call his brother and tell him to go to the front door. Instead I had him call his mom to call Damfino and say Hy-vee called saying they were at the house and no one answered so they called her to let her know where they put in delivery and placed it in the front door. Soon he called Josh and said yes.

The next group we asked were the brides maids and grooms men. Once again I went to the florist and had them deliver the boxes and silver bags. By now the florist new me very well. My brothers Jon and Tim were the next members of the wedding party we heard from.

Then we heard from my friend Caryn. Caryn is a friend from work. She is the type of person who would drop everything for you when you are going through difficult times. She has helped me alot this past year. Caryn will soon be getting married this year as well. Josh and I also asked his sister Holly and brother in-law Dan to be in the wedding along with his step sister Amanda. They all said yes.

Now that they all said yes I had one more person to ask to be apart of my wedding. Cara Josh's brother's fiance. I wanted her to be my personal Attendant. This time I had the florist deliver the box and balloon in the side door. She called and said yes as well. Once we ask the wedding party Josh asked his brother Caleb and step brother Matt to be Ushers at the wedding. Operation Wedding party was completed.

I am so excited to have my two close friends and soon to be family apart of our wedding party. They are all wonderful people. Having them all apart of the wedding will make it ten times more exciting and special.

Love All
Christi & Josh

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Music For Wedding Reception

Hi to all of you out there in the blogger world. Christi and I are heading to our Big Day here on Sept 29th we are planning many things one of those things is music.

We meet with a D J in Feb to discuss details on what we want to do for music at our wedding reception dance. That being said, I want to start a request sheet for you all out there. Now I want to keep this clean and respectible, no songs containing explicit lyrics will be played at our wedding.

Of course, we have our sheet already started. Some songs off that are as follows.

Nothing Going To Stop Us Now - Starship
Walk Like An Egyptian - Bangles
More Than A Feeling - Boston

Twist and Shout - Beatles
I Got You Babe - Sony & Cher

YMCA - Village People I know it's a wedding you got to play this
Stayin Alive - Bee Gees

Time Of Your Life - Green Day
Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice

So all you music lovers out there scroll through your Ipods and let us know what you might want to have played at our Wedding.

Talk to you all later...

Groom & Bride to be

Josh & Christi

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Registry List

Ok folks I realize it's early but after hearing from family and friends how much fun it is to register we just couldn't wait any longer. The two of us sat down and made a list of items we knew the two of us would need after we got married. We kept telling each other stick to the list, let's not get crazy, stick to the list. Then it happened we heard the BEEP! It was over, the scanner went crazy. There was no stopping us now.

The first item we scanned was a smoke detector, then it was a co2 detector. Soon we were scanning items like chip warmers and choclote fountains. Now who's to say we will never use these items. we might. The list kept getting larger and we kept registring at more and more places. The two of us wanted to keep the list as small as possible in hopes we will recieve cash gift as well to start saving for a house but neither one of us could get the beep out of our heads. After registering at Target, we then registered at Younkers, Isabel Bloom, Menards and last but not least JCPennys.

Please keep in mind everyone when you visit these stores on line, both of us know there is no way we will recieve a snow blower or any items for that matter that are over $100.00 it's all about having fun and dreams. Starting a new life care about material things, they're just nice to have. However, both of us just want to celebrate our new life together with friends and family we love in hopes they are as happy as we are about starting our starting our new life together. We love you all.

Below is the reminder list of places mentioned above that the two of us have registered. A quick note, those of you who decide to purchase from Isabel bloom will need to contact the store to see what has been purchased. This store hasn't quite modernized there wedding registery. If you are out of towners who need the number to this store, feel free to e-mail us or contact our parents. I have also included items we put on our wish list from Isabel bloom along with prices.





Isabel Bloom: Large Snowman (multi color) $189.00, Sharing $59.00, Isabel Rose $61.50, Tiny Treasures (with yellow flowers) $52.00, Large St. Nick $92.00, Short Stop $60.50, Dancers $40.50, Courage to soar $37.75, Small Emma $48.00, Eagle (light Green)$41.00, Angel with heart (Multi Color) $27.00, Small Peace Angel (light green)$38.00, Choclate Ribbon Egg (Light green with red ribbon) $19.25.

Till next time
Chisti & Josh

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wedding Registry From A Man's View

Hello again all, Christi and I have spent this Holiday Weekend working on our Wedding Registry! Now I can't give out any names of places yet we want to compile a complete list and let you all know when we are done.

From my point of view, being a guy I thought we could just walk into a certain store and go to town registering. Little did I know that to do a complete registry a couple must scope out the store first before doing the deed. We walked around Jordan Creek Mall doing this Saturday Night.

Now I don't want to scare any guys out there, however, when it comes to registring, trust the woman on this. She knows what she is doing. It is a fun experience for the both of you once you actually get to use the scanner to go around the store and scan items to add to your registry. I recomend that you keep a very open mind when doing this. Scan things you know the both of you need and then have some fun and scan items that you know you won't get but that would just be cool to have!

It is fun and a good experience for the both the Bride-to-be and the Groom-to-be!!!

Look for pictures coming soon.

Talk to you all later...

Groom & Bride to be
Josh & Christi

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our First Road Trip

The month of May was our first road trip. It was to Williamsburg to get a puppy I found from a breeder on The prevoius owner could no longer take care of her.

I hadn't told Josh I was getting a second puppy until two weeks prior to my scheduled road trip. When I got up the courage to ask him to go on the trip with me he said yes. When the day came to leave to get the puppy, we drove in a fury to get to Williamsburg. Once there, we shopped till we dropped. Josh found a cute diaper bag for his sister who was expecting in November. I found some awsome drinking glasses.

When 1:00 came we went to meet my puppy's owner at McDonald's. The day was over and now we had to head home. It was a hot trip and Kiara needed water so we had to pull over to get her cooled off and calmed down. We were at the rest stop for over thirty minutes. It was a rocky start. Once we got home safe and sound she calmed down. Now she is happy and content.

We are in the process of planning another road trip soon. Josh and I will share the event when it happens. Till then Tah Tah Ya all!!!

Bride & Groom To be
Christine & Josh

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How It All Began

I'm sure all of you are on the edge of your seats wanting to know how it all began. How did Josh and Christi meet? Why let me tell you how it all started.

It began on a Sunday April 23, 2006 to be exact. I went to my sister, mom, & aunt's dance recital. There were three recitals that day. At the second recital is when I met Christine. Our first date was April 29th and we met at a local coffee shop in Urbandale. The date lasted a couple of hours. The next date we went on was to a classy joint called Sam & Gabes. After dinner we went to a movie called Friends with money. The food was great the movie was a chick flick.

When the third date rolled around Christi was intorduced to my brother Jed and his girlfriend Cara. It was a Gilmore Tuesday night and Christi brought brownies. It was a very nervous night for Christi. I won't bore you with to many details. By August 23rd I proposed to Christi at Kiwana Park in the gazebo on one knee.

The next thirteen months after the proposal We have alot of planning to do. We plan on sharing alot of ideas with all of you. However; we want our wedding ideas to be a surprise for our friends & family. Stay tuned for more postings soon.

Groom & Bride to be
Josh & Christi

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

How we Met and our Wedding

Hello and Welcome! Josh and I wanted to start this blog to share the story of how we met with our friends and family that have not yet heard that we are getting married and also with some of our family living out of state. We thought it would be a good idea to have the blog for them in case they can't make it for our BIG day.
We hope you will enjoy the blog. Josh & I are looking foward to sharing our ideas and thoughts with all of you. Please leave any ideas and comments you may have for the wedding and wedding reception.

Bride and Groom-To-Be
Christi and Josh